Awkward Head Tilts, Blanket Golf, & Pizza Upon Pizza:)

So, if you’ve made it this far reading “In Kaitlyn’s Corner,” (thank you!) you know that a few weekends ago, two athletes (Mia and Jessica) and myself went on a gals training trip to Orlando!

But what you DON’T know, is all the cool stuff we did! NOTE: We did A LOT, so this is a long one 🙂  Without further a do, let’s step into our weekend getaway!

Thursday Evening: I hate packing :p

So let’s just say…when I pack, I REALLY pack! The entire week prior to leaving, I had been texting Jessica, who lives in Florida, about golf outfits, dinner outfits, everything shoes, and what jackets to bring! I thought it would be shorts, skirts, and bikinis…it was actually this… LOL!
img_2927Any who…My fiancé, Mike, had a look of disbelief and a grin when he saw just how many garments I was attempting to stuff into my duffle. Guys just don’t understand:)

Fri-yay! Hellooooo Orlando

Woohoo! Bags were overly packed and thousands of snacks were scattered throughout my carry-on and luggage. I said goodbye to Mike and our boxers, Bear and Brady, and off I went to Mia’s house!

unnamed-3From there, we took a car to the airport and the fun began!

The flight was non-eventful. Mia and I ate our snacks, drank our coffee/water, and climbed over the slightly annoyed passenger in our row every time we had to use the restroom.  Thank goodness for all the mobility and single-leg work we do. That balance totally comes in handy!

We made it!

First things first…quick stop to Whole Foods! We were HUNGRY, and we completely ate all our snacks (well I did) and needed to fuel up for our weekend rounds! **Fun fact: apparently Whole Foods chains in Florida do NOT have the burritio bowl option or breakfast. Shame. :-/

Making rock star decisions over the ball could not be done without fueling our brains properly, so, we packed our golf bags with rocket fuel.  We loaded up on jerkies of all kinds (slowly they’re buying into the taste), organic pre-made protein shakes, kind bars, and nuts. Mission accomplished!


Since Mia and I train 3x a week in Boston, we needed to complete our third lift. After a long plane ride, there’s no better way to wake up the body and get the endorphins flowing than picking up some weights. While Jessica was still at school/golf practice, Mia and I hit the gym!

Although we were distracted by beautiful brick and Italian inspired architecture and impeccable mountain views, we managed to find the gym. 🙂  Much to our surprise, it was an OPEN WORKOUT ROOM! We had 30 minutes to complete a quick workout. Here’s what we did:

Warm up:

  • Breathe, Foam Roll, Stretch, Activate, T-Spine Mobility work

Circuit 1:img_2824

  • Cleans 3×5
  • Front Plank 3x:20
  • Floor Slides 3×8

Circuit 2:

  • TRX Rows 3×12
  • Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats 3x8ea
  • Bear Crawls

Racing daylight, we grabbed a protein shake and then booked it to the range! From the time we got our shakes and changed for golf, 30 minutes had passed, so, we tackled a simple 5 minute dynamic warm up to get everything fired back up.

Our pre- golf warmup included:

  • Mini-Band circuit (you can find an elaborated version of this on my youtube below)
  • Walking Dynamic Warmup
  • Lunge Circuit w/ rotation (you can find this on my youtube)

After practice, we played a little putting game which Mia totally dominated. Let’s just say she won full reign to pick my nail color that weekend. 🙂


Pre-Round Breakfast:)

The gals and I woke up early, we ate an awesome breakfast brought to you by our dear friend Lizzy. 🙂 Bacon, eggs, toast, omelets, rice, steak, veggies…oh yeah, we did it right!


With all our snacks packed, we headed out to play 18 holes! But first, our pre-round golf warm up!

It is one thing to watch these gals crush it and work hard in the gym, but it is another to witness their hard work in ACTION! They teed it up, put their game face on, picked out targets, and swung for the fence. I wish you could’ve seen the way the ball just cut through the air. Incredible!

Due to an injury I have been battling with, I chipped and putted every hole. Watching versus playing was a blessing in disguise because I wanted to really focus on the state of their mental game. I witnessed their pre-shot routines, their mannerisms when the shot didn’t go as planned, and their reactions to successes and failures. I was also impressed with their level of sportsmanship toward one another. It was a constant, “great shot,” “well done,” “there ya go.” I loved that!

Post golf, we all got dolled up, took a trip to the nail salon, then WENT TO DISNEY! 🙂 Well, ok, not quite Disney. We went to Disney Springs where making a decision for dinner is nearly impossible especially with 3 hungry females! 🙂

Oh yeah, it wasn’t all nail polish, makeup, and lip gloss that evening. After dinner, we dodged rain drops and put our sprinting mechanics to the test.

Sunday: Blanket golf and pizza:)img_2845

With our last day in paradise, we took advantage of the cold rainy morning and hit the nearest Whole Foods for some grocery shopping. Jessica needed to fill her fridge with awesome stuff for the week, and the gals came up with the idea to make our own pizzas and calzones for dinner! Thank you Mike (fiancé) for your awesome recipe!

Our shopping cart soon overflowed with protein shakes, more jerky, water, breakfast items, fresh greens, some frozen leafy greens, salmon, chicken, and all the gluten-free ingredients to make one super, awesome dinner!

Once we got home, the weather had cleared and off we went to go show another 18 holes who was boss. First, we warmed up using our handy 5-minute warm up (as seen above)! This time, I just watched the girls play, forecaddied, and held the pin.
P.S. In between holes, I was wrapped in my super warm “Felix Fortis Golf” blanket the girls made me! SO CUTE 🙂

Calzone time!

post-2-1This was THE most hysterical night of all! First, we totally forgot to get a rolling pin, so spreading out the dough was quite creative. THEN, I accidentally poked a hole in my calzone and used a huge piece of pepperoni to seal it. Lizzy totally made hers like a taco. 🙂 OMG, my stomach is still killing me from laughing so hard.

After dinner, somehow the conversation turned into what books we’ve absolutely loved. I then began to talk about Joe Navarro’s, “What Every Body Is Saying.” This could totally turn into a hysterical blog in itself, so, I’ll keep this short. Joe talks about how to effectively use our body language to give off the appropriate vibe we desire and how to analyze someone else’s. Super cool and helpful, right?! I demonstrated to the girls what it could look like when someone was super uncomfortable with what’s being discussed, how to show someone you are totally engaged to a conversation, how to give off a rockstar and confident vibe, how NOT to do so, and how to read if someone trusts your presence/what you’re saying. Oh yes, and how could I forget, I also showed them how a slight head tilt when talking with someone gives off a great indication you are mentally and emotionally engaged in what a person is saying. I also demonstrated how CREEPY as heck it could be if you walked into an elevator and did that to a stranger! HAHA! Let’s just say the book review ended with Jessica crying on the floor from laughter, Mia almost falling off her stool, and Lizzy almost peeing her pants. HA! Mission accomplished!

***Note: Laughter is the solution to everything, and it’s so cool
to see people let the “real them” loose:)

Closing Thoughts:)

So in conclusion, we totally had fun. On a more serious note… Personally, I know I learn best by being thrown in the fire and learning through real life experiences. This trip provided the ladies with REAL LIFE experiences when it came to taking ownership of their golf nutrition, travel workouts, and getting over their fear of warming up outside the gym walls. Those lessons are SO hard to learn in a classroom or in the comfort of your own gym. It’s different when you’re in a new place, with new people, and a new atmosphere. So, MAJOR props to the ladies. You accomplished so many goals! YOU are an inspiration to myself, the old Kaitlyn, and many other female athletes out there who are struggling with the same things. The best part is that you are 1,000% okay with being yourselves and letting the REAL you shine. Love that!

You are true rock stars, and keep working hard!

…And if you DO try the head tilt, I expect a face time call immediately after! HAHA!



Weekend Away With My Athletes! “Keeping it Real” PART 2:


The weekend in Orlando was so much fun!

I believe the biggest pivotal moment to the girls and our relationship was that I shared my story. I shared just a portion of my childhood, high school, and college. I can’t tell you everything because that’s between us 🙂

BUT what I will tell you is that I shared with the sole purpose of them learning something. I could share my story with a million people and everyone would walk away with a different inspiration. But I wanted them to know the real Kaitlyn, where I came from, and know that with a little hard work, persistence, belief in yourself, confidence and surrounding yourself with people who bring you up…you can accomplish ANYTHING.


Speaking of the real Kaitlyn…



Throughout this blog, I will slowly let you in on aspects of my life no one would EVER assume or expect. Today I will start small. I have always kept my personal life separate from my professional life and never realized the relevance to share some not so awesome memories and struggles I have gone through in the past. But, thanks to amazing mentors like Janet Alexander and Milo Bryant, I now understand how to holster life events and experiences and USE them to help others, especially those who look up to me, those I coach, and people near and far who feel they are alone.

I want my athletes to know that what you see isn’t what you necessarily get. My social media up until this point has portrayed the happy, strong, and confident Kaitlyn who has a wonderful fiancé, two boxers, and grandparents (pap and gram) who she adores…that’s what most people know about me.

In Orlando I wanted to let my athletes know the “why” behind who I am today. I wanted them to take my story and think more about decisions they make, failures they don’t think they can overcome, and avoid ever feeling like they are alone.


So…I let them know that I was born to two VERY young 16-year-old high school parents. (Lesson 1, be smart, accidents happen). As a result their youth, my grandparents raised me and for that I owe them my life. They gave me a chance that most in my situation may never get. They saved me. Lesson #2, be grateful for loving grandparents.


I shared with them I am not close with either parent, I see them maybe a few times a year, we hardly talk. At the age of 12, (due to certain circumstances that I will write about in a later blog), I chose to move in with whom I felt were my true parents (my grandparents). Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, but we are just on different wavelengths and home life wasn’t great.


My grandparents gave me the gift of opportunity. My grandfather showed me how to work hard (via my first job of landscaping) and then they gave me my chance to really make something for myself: they gave me the game of golfJ They got me my first set of clubs at age 13. They were hammy down “Titleit” clubs…yes I said Titleit lol. I started to practice, and hit balls on the range with my grandfather who I looked up to dearly. Anywhere he went I followed. SO, as a result golf became my first love!


My grandfather took me to a driving range near our house and the PGA Pro took an interest in my swing. He said I had “real natural talent.” Ugh…the term natural talent…that’s a fix minded topic for another day:)


Back to the story…


I started with group lessons. Then the driving range changed hands. Oh no! My group lessons were gone. BUT, the owner and his wife (Also PGA Pros) took an interest in me as well. They allowed both myself, and best friend, to work for lessons have unlimited access to the driving range. AWESOME! It was there I lived; working long days picking golf balls, overflowing the ball cleaner with soap (hehe), and then practiced until late. While friends partied, I had dreams of playing college golf and being the first in my family to even attend college.

If my grandparents didn’t take me in, set ks-2clear boundaries, showed true love, taught me hard work and perseverance, and gave me the game of golf, I would NEVER be who I am today.


Yes, I can come across via social media photos as some pretty hair-flipping model, who goes to the gym, plays golf, and calls herself a strength coach. But, that is NOT the true me. It has been a hard road. It has taken a lot to get where I am today and even more to where I am heading. I have worked my butt off to prove not just to myself, but also to my family that I can and could do it.My reason for sharing part of my story was because I wanted my athletes to know the real Kaitlyn and what drives me.

Through my life experiences, I wanted them to remember that whatever they want in life, all they have to do is work hard, work smart and surround themselves with rock star people to get it. I wanted them to know that when faced with a slap from life, you just get back up and fight your hardest. You find a way to get things done. You hit it OB? Who cares? You tee it up, get your game face on, and you save par. Or when you get in a fight with your parents because you secretly want to do something you probably shouldn’t/aren’t ready for…remember the story I told you. Remember what can happen with one blink of an eye. Be thankful you have parents that care, and give you opportunity.


Through sharing, with both my athletes and you the reader, I hope that my truth sparked a new outlook. Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t. Maybe it didn’t now, but maybe they (and you) will remember our conversations (and this blog) 10 years from now when I’m old 🙂


Point being, if it inspired them to overcome obstacles, ignite future plans and goals, then it was (well) worth it.


A Word to the many young women out there who are just discovering their own strengths, and who still think that they are alone…you are not. This post is one of MANY that will give examples of just how similar we are.


Until then…just remember to never judge a book by it’s cover. Remember to share your story with others because you never know whom it will inspire. 🙂






Weekend Away With My Athletes! Part 1



Sometimes it’s the athlete coaching the coach.

PART 1: 

Hey everyone! Kaitlyn here:)

Currently en route to Boston after a gals golf training trip to Orlando and I’m absolutely exploding with so many emotions. This past weekend two young ladies whom I train got together in Florida for a golf trip! Word on the street is that we all had a great time! We worked out, warmed up, golfed, cooked together, ate ice-cream (lol), and laughed till our stomachs hurt…but the coolest part about this weekend is we shared a lot and because of that in my opinion, we took our “team” to a whole new levelJ. Absolutely priceless!

How did this happen?


  1. One heck of a supportive family.
    1. If it weren’t for their families support I wouldn’t have been able to hang out with the girls weekend and be a part of such an amazing experience…So thank you mom and dad’s for believing in the importance of team, working hard, having fun, and building relationships!
  2. I care.
    1. From Coaches Perspective: I want to know how they tick. I want to know what their fears are, their miss hits, if they feel silly warming up, what makes them laugh, what motivates them, how they recover from failure, what discourages them,
    2. From Friend/Role model perspective: I want to help them avoid mistakes I’ve made, make great choices with friends on the weekends, be a social media role model, encourage independence, and know that if they lift strong they will be happier and confident human beings:)


In my opinion, the more a coach knows what makes their athletes tick, and shares a special role model/friend bond, the more you can help them succeed and reach their goals. Our weekend trip was a great step in the right direction for the team!


Going into the weekend I was so excited for the girls to be together! I know they had been looking forward to seeing each other. I was also excited to go on a training trip and SOMEHOW be an inspiration to them. My goals for the weekend were to:

  • Help squash any form of “intimidation” of warming up on the range with skipping, mini-bands, and lungingJ
  • Gain their trust
  • Share with them more about my life hoping it can help them through their own trials and game
  • Help them get over the ball and tell themselves they’re going to CRUSH it.
  • Setting examples for things they go through
  • Share things I wish I knew (both golf and life related)
  • Bring all the things we’ve learned together about traveling snacks, golf snacks, workouts, warming up, and cooking on the go. I wanted to help them with a real life example and experience it. I wanted them to realize that these things don’t have to be overwhelming and that they can be quite easily implemented 🙂




Don’t get me wrong, I was SUPER excited to go on this trip! But, I was also really nervous with a slight form of uncertainty:

  • I wanted the girls to know the real coach outside of the gym walls but didn’t know how.
  • I wasn’t sure how to balance the “cool coach” with the role model, the friend, and a little parent voice if needed.


I wasn’t sure how to do all this and embarrassingly nervous “if they’d like me” because I’ve never had someone do this for me. I’ve never had that balance of a coach/role model/ friend growing up to use their “how-to” template. All I knew going into this, was that it was what I needed to do. I felt it this was my duty and responsibility under the umbrella of both “coach/role model/friend” to be available emotionally to these girls and all the other young women I train near and far. They deserve it, because I wish I had a role model like this as a young athlete. I’m just old enough to be their coach and role model, but I am also young and I understand what they’re going through. I don’t judge, and I enjoy being the mental neutrality.


Ha! In my quest to be prepared, I even asked my fiancé how to blend these different descriptions together. I look up to him for many reasons, and one of them is that all his athletes adore him. They look up to him, call him friend, but also respect and work hard. They joke with him, considered family, but Mike knows when to lay down the hammer if needed. He does this effortlessly and I wanted to know the details. As if there was some secret to being a cool role model.


When I asked him he looked at me and grinned. His parting words with me before this trip was “Kaitlyn, you just figure it out through experience and throwing yourself in the fire.”


So I did. 🙂


The trip was a success, the gals had fun, we accomplished what we were there to do. Most importantly, and they had some practice at owning in on their warm-ups skills, packing their bags with proper golf fuel, and I got to see what kind of mental golfer they are. They also got to know the REAL Kaitlyn.




To make sure I don’t lose you (it’s worth waiting for:p ), I’m making this a two-part story. Come back next week when I reveal just what the “real Kaitlyn” looks like, what she’s not, and how showing your athletes the real you can help them in their own lives.



Kaitlyn 🙂

Brain Strength = Lower Scores?

Let’s Bring It In

YES. Have you ever thought about your lowest score or when you won your VERY FIRST tournament? What happened during that round that made you play like a rockstar? What were you thinking about? What caused you to “get in the zone,” and I’m not talking about AutoZone:)

I’ll let you in on a little secret. The answer to your burning questions is this: your mental game. Thinking back to that glorious round. The reason why you played like a total rockstar, is because you THOUGHT like a total rockstar. Your brain flipped the switch from high traffic thoughts, to  “get out my way” mode and you were determined to make great things happen.

But the question still lies, HOW? How did our brain flip such a switch?

Well I’ll tell you:)




What You Did Great!

You KNOW how to play the game of golf. You HAVE executed every shot at least once in your golf career needed to put together one killer round (AKA you owned the skills already). But, here is what you did differently:

  1. You let yourself BREATHE over the ball
  2. SEE the shot
  3. And then you said “grip it and rip it!”

What you vowed to NOT do is let your brain start to reminisce all the times you hit it right, came over the top, or yanked that silly little 3 footer left to lose the hole.

So What’s Our Plan?!

So, what if you haven’t experienced what I’m talking about? What if you’re a GREAT “range player” but can’t seem to connect things from practice sessions to the first tee? Not to worry! Let’s help you build your “brain strength” aka mental game, so you can attack each round with the mindset to break course records:)

How do we do that?

Deep belly breathe.


I train golfers JUST. LIKE. YOU. They range from high school players to defending senior club champions. Everyone can let their head get in their own way. Trust me, it happened to me ALL the time! The collegiate player Kaitlyn, would’ve told you to rely on her pre-shot routine to calm her nerves. The wiser strength coach Kaitlyn, will tell you that yes, pre-shot routines can certainly calm a player down…but let’s put some ground breaking science in your corner to efficiently help fight this uphill battle.


The “Why” Behind Breathing

Deep belly breathing is PROVEN to not only turn on our inner most abdominal muscles granting us the ability to dissociate and rotate, but also it relaxes and CLEARS our mind of any negative thought that tries to wiggle its way in. Because of deep belly breathings breathe-surf-boardpowerful impact to turn on our core and get our mind right, I have my golfers breathe AS SOON as they walk in to workout, after they lift, and before they play golf. The act of deep belly breathing is  like hitting the reset button on their nervous system.


Think about it for a second: you walk in late to workout or play. You’re thinking about a zillion things you need to get done after this. You didn’t sleep well last night so you’re not sure if it’s worth playing in this tournament or lacing up your workout shoes. Your coach is now waiting on you, and you’re late for your tee time….my guess? Your heart rate is beating about a mile a minute and maybe. IT HAPPENS!  We’re human:)


So instead of getting ourselves worked up, try what my athletes (including myself) have benefited from…just breathe.


How To Get Your Breathe On

If a situation is less than optimal, and you need to think straight and prepare to attack the next task REGARDLESS of:

  • what state you’re in
  • how you THINK you’ll do
  • or whatever negative thing that’s talking you out of walking up to that workout or round like “I’m here, and about to kick tail and take names”


….just trust me on this and do the following:

  1. Lie on your back, close your eyes, glue your spine to the floor.
  2. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  3. Let your exhale be LONGER than your inhale.
  4. 10-15 times.
  5. Super simple.

Click here for a How-To!


Let’s Do This!!

I am so confident this will help you, it’s not even funny. Because, here’s a secret…I was the number 1 headcase on my collegiate golf team and THIS (and a few other mental health strengthening methods which we will get into later) is what helped me have complete control over my brain. I control my thoughts. I call the shots.
SO, if you want to start to discover the REAL kind of player you can be, my suggestion? Get over the ball and take a deep breath:)